Motion Graphics / Teach For Australia Animated Introduction…
Branding / One Padel…
Visual Diagrams / MSD Machine Workshop…
Branding, Packaging / Wooden Combs Branding…
Motion Graphics, Storyboard / Tiny Ted’s Daycare…
Motion Graphics / Trick or Treater…
Print Publication / Experimental Alphabet…
Branding / K9 Mobile Massage…
Branding, Website, Photography / JS Design…
Information Visualisation / Practices of a Communication Designer…
Live illustration / The real reason why mosquitoes buzz…
Children’s storybook / The Greedy Mouse…
Editorial / Long Distance Flight…
Data visualisation / ABC Fact Check…
Storyboard / ACMI Re-branding…
Editorial / This is a story about waking up…
Editorial / Lamp, Matches, Notes on a blissful bus ride…
Editorial / Losing Sense…
Editorial / The Science of Storytelling…
Editorial / Lost, Fake smile credit, Til death do us part…
Doodle / Ladies…
Poem / Regenerative Sustainability…
Editorial / VCE Summer School Illustrations…